"Elements for a Critique of Political Ontology." Elusive Grounds: Philosophy, Politics, and the Question of Foundation. Ed. Damiano Sacco and Facundo Vega.
"Hegel en América: Nuevas hipótesis."
"Muerte y borradura del sujeto: La desaparición forzada como técnica de despolitización."
"Borges in French Theory." The Oxford Companion to Jorge Luis Borges. Ed. Daniel Balderston and Nora Benedict. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 483-502. Online version available here.
"The Eternal Return of the Modern: Poetry, History, Philosophy." Understanding Philosophy, Understanding Modernism. Ed. Arka Chattopadhyay and Arthur Rose. London: Bloomsbury.
"Theory of the Nonplace." Possibilities of Place. Ed. Jussi Palmusaari and Nicholas Schneider. London: Bloombury, 2024.
"Crísis y crítica del leninismo en América Latina." Jornadas leninistas. Series from Jacobin Latin America (February 17, 2024). Available here.
"Du freudo-marxisme au lacano-althussérisme en Amérique Latine." La Psychanalyse du reste du monde. Géo-histoire d’une subversion. Ed. Livio Boni and Sophie Mendelsohn. Paris: La Découverte, 2023. 285-306.
"Universality and Its Discontents." Identity Trumps Socialism: The Class and Identity Debate after Neoliberalism. Ed. Marc James Léger. London-New York: Routledge, 2023. 59-78.
"Populism Without Adjectives." On Seven Essays on Populism. Ed. Samuele Mazzolini. Ethics & Politics: A Review of Philosophy (2023).
"Literature and Revolution in Transition: An Aesthetics of Singularity." Latin American Literatures in Transition. Ed. Amanda Holmes and Par Kumaraswami. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. 275-289.
"El Estado y la insurrección. " Memoria: Revista de crítica militante 287 (2023): 69-74.
"My Own Private Anti-Oedipus." Agora: Journal for Metafysisk Spekulasjon 4 (2023).
"Eine Metaphysik des Todestriebs oder der radikale Philosoph als hartgesottener Detektiv." ["A Metaphysics of the Death Drive, or, The Radical Philosopher as Hardboiled Detective"]. Slavoj Žižek und die Künste. Mit einem Beitrag von Slavoj Žižek. Ed. Erik Vogt. Vienna-Berlin: Turia + Kant, 2022. 31-60.
“Marx con Morgan: La vía mexicana hacia la comuna.” Antrópica: Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades 16 (2022).
“Marx's Theory of the Subject.” Accumulation and Subjectivity in Latin America. Ed. Karen Benezra. Albany: SUNY Press, 2022. 255-274.
“From Marx to Heidegger: Oscar del Barco and the Crisis of Marxism.” Revolution and Counterrevolution in Latin America: An Aleatory Dialectic. Ed. Nicolas Allen and Óscar Ariel Cabezas. Special issue of Radical Americas (2020-2021). Available here.
“O destino do genérico: Marx com Badiou.” Zero à esquerda. Trans. Pedro Naccarato and Moisés Rech. Online publication. Available here.
“Para una crítica de la violencia originaria: Freud, Heidegger, Derrida.” Psicoanálisis, deconstrucción y crítica de lo psicopolítico. Ed. Rosaura Martínez. Mexico City: Akal, 2021. 23-55. Available here.
“From Zapata to the Zapatistas: Mexico’s “other” Commune.” The Commune at 150, a special series of Roar Magazine (May 18-28, 2021). Available here.
“The Subject’s Turn: Elements of a Materialist History.” The Subject of Politics: People, Populism and Democracy. Ed. José Luis Villacañas, Cristina Basili, Anxo Garrido. Special issue of Azimuth. Philosophical Coordinates in Modern and Contemporary Age 17 (2021): 91-105.
“The Aesthetics of State Violence: From Grievance to Revolt.” The Aesthetics of Violence. Ed. Hans Jacob Ohldieck and Gisles Selnes. Bergen: Scandinavian Academic Press, 2020. 31-59.
“Marxism and Subalternity.” Urgencias del latinoamericanismo en tiempos de globalización conflictiva: Tributo a John Beverley. Ed. Elizabeth Monasterios Pérez. Raleigh: Editorial A Contracorriente, 2020. 283-292.
"Rancières Mallarmé." Trans. Erik Vogt. Jacques Ranciere und die Literatur. Ed. Erik Vogt and Michael Manfé. Vienna - Berlin: Turia + Kant, 2020. 176-200.
“La comuna americana.” Horacio González, Franco “Bifo” Berardi, Michael Löwy, Daniel Alvaro, Bruno Bosteels, Santiago M. Roggerone, Gisela Catanzaro, and Agustín Lucas Prestifilippo. Lecciones de la comuna. Vicente López: Mariano Ariel Pennisi, 2019. 63-74.
“What Are Philosophers For in the Age of the Poets: Badiou with and against Heidegger.” Philosophy and Poetry: Continental Perspectives. Ed. Ranjan Ghosh. New York: Columbia University Press, 2019. 248-270.
“Three Paradoxes of Communist Art.” The Idea of the Avant-Garde and What it Means Today, vol. 2, ed. Marc James Léger. Bristol: Intellect, 2019. 423-427.
"Political Theory," The Bloomsbury Companion to Marx. Ed. Jeff Diamanti, Andrew Pendakis, Imre Szeman. London: Bloomsbury, 2018. 586-596.
"Lo que queda de Marx hoy: una teoría del sujeto." Slavoj Žižek, et al. Disparen contra Marx. Ed. Santiago Roggerone and Ariel Pennisi. Vicente López: Mariano Ariel Pennisi, 2018. 87-98.
"From Ayotzinapa to Tlatelolco: A Memorial of Grievances against the State." Nel segno del "sessantotto." Ed. Sandro Mezzadra and Mauricio Ricciardi. Special issue of Scienza & Politica: Per una storia dell doctrine 30.59 (2018): 41-60.
"La situación es catastrófica pero no es seria: Ironía, violencia y militancia en América Latina." Ironía y violencia en la literatura latinoamericana contemporánea. Ed. Brigitte Adriaensen and Carlos Van Tongeren. Pittsburgh: Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, 2018. 41-57.
"De Marx a Heidegger: Un itinerario paradigmático (El caso de Oscar del Barco)." Marxismos latinoamericanos. Ed. Patricia González San Martín. Special issue of Revista Latinoamericana del Colegio Internacional de Filosofía/Còllege International de Philosophie 5 (2018): 79-119.
"Critique of Originary Violence: Freud, Heidegger, Derrida." The Undecidable Unconscious: A Journal of Deconstruction and Psychoanalysis 4 (2018): 27-66.
"Sobre la teoría de la disolución del Estado: Una política de la finitud." Perspectivas sobre marxismos latinoamericanos. Special issue of Escrituras americanas 2.2 (2018): 147-171. Reprinted in Del monólogo europeo al diálogo inter-filosófico. Ensayos sobre Enrique Dussel y la filosofía de la liberación. Ed. José Gandarilla and Mabel Moraña. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México/Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades, 2018. 387-403.
"Reading Rulfo with Benjamin and Derrida: End of Story." Mexican Literature in Theory. Ed. Ignacio Sánchez-Prado. London: Bloomsbury, 2018 (paperback edition 2019). 111-138.
"El otro Marx: Filosofía y teoría crítica." Sujeto, decolonización, transmodernidad. Debates filosoficos latinoamericanos. Ed. Mabel Moraña. Frankfurt-Madrid: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2018. 39-68.
"Ni proletariado ni vanguardia: José Revueltas y la corriente subterránea del anarco-comunismo en México." Por otras políticas de la verdad en América Latina. Ed. Alejandro Sánchez Lopera and Christopher Nielsen. Pittsburgh: Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, 2017. 31-46.
"De la violencia a la comuna: Viejos y nuevos sujetos emergentes en México." Precariedades, exclusiones, emergencias. Necropolítica y sociedad civil en América Latina. Ed. Mabel Moraña and José Manuel Valenzuela. Mexico City: Gedisa/Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 2017. 75-97.
"State or Commune: Viewing the October Revolution from the Land of Zapata." Constellations: An International Journal for Critical and Democratic Theory 24.4 (2017): 570-579. Spanish translation as "Estado o Comuna: Reevaluando la Revolución de Octubre desde la tierra de Zapata." Trans. Marcia Pamela Román. Acontecimiento: Revista de Teoría y Crítica Literaria 2.2 (2018-2019): 185-203.
"The Language of Cartography: Borges as Mapmaker." Literature and Cartography: Theories, Histories, Genres. Ed. Anders Engberg-Pedersen. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2017. 119-139.
"The Jargon of Finitude: A Conversation with Bruno Bosteels." The Kantian Catastrophe: Conversations on Finitude and the Limits of Philosophy. Ed. Anthony Morgan. Newcastle: Bigg Books, 2017. 165-182. Available here.
"Reading Capital from the Margins: Notes on the Logic of Uneven Development." The Concept in Crisis: Reading Capital Today. Ed. Nick Nesbitt. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2017. 113-165. Partial Spanish translation as "Leer El Capital desde los márgenes: Notas sobre las lógicas del desarrollo desigual." Lecturas de Althusser en América Latina. Ed. Marcelo Rodríguez A. and Marcelo Starcenbaum. Buenos Aires: Doble Ciencia, 2017. 41-76. Partial French translation as “Lire Le Capital depuis les marges: Notes sur la logique du développement inégal.” Trans. Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc. Actuel Marx 67 (2020): 63-85.
"The Psychic Life of the Power of Rebellion: Introducing León Rozitchner's 'Philosophy and Terror.'" Theory & Event 20 (July 2017): 726-737. Spanish translation as "La vida psíquica del poder de rebelión: presentación de 'Filosofía y Terror' de León Rozitchner." Demarcaciones 6 (2018): 1-10. Available on-line here.
"Mas allá del poder dual en México: La utopía cardenista." El cardenismo: auge y caída de un legado político y social. Ed. Ivonne del Valle and Pedro Ángel Palou. Boston: Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana, 2017. 139-163.
"Gramsci en los márgenes." Papel Máquina: Revista de Cultura 10 (2016): 133-144.
"Introduction: This People Which Is Not One." Alain Badiou, Pierre Bourdieu, Judith Butler, Georges Didi-Huberman, Sadri Khiari, and Jacques Rancière, What is a People? New York: Columbia University Press, 2016. 1-20.
"León Rozitchner o la vida psíquica del poder (de la rebelión)." Review: Revista de Libros 4 (September-October 2015): 36-38.
"Twenty Theses on Politics and Subjectivity." Zinbun: Memoirs of the Research Institute for Humanistic Studies, Kyoto 46 (2015): 21-39. Translated into Japanese in Les années post-68 et nous--l'état actuel de 'Philosophie contemporaine et politique. Ed. Yoshihiko Ichida and Kenta Ohji. Kyoto: Institut de Recherches en Sciences Humaines/Tokyo: Heibonsha, 2017. 39-66.
“La izquierda con sujeto.” León Rozitchner: Contra la servidumbre voluntaria. Jornadas en la Biblioteca Nacional. Buenos Aires: Ediciones de la Biblioteca Nacional, 2015. 21-27.
"Nietzsche, Badiou y la gran política: Una lectura antifilosófica." Debates y combates 8 (2015): 37-71.
"What Is To Be Dreamed? On the Uncommon Saying: That May Be Correct in Practice But It Is Of No Use in Theory." Singladuras: Journal of Graduate Research 1.1 (2015). Available on-line here. Spanish translation as "¿Qué soñar? Sobre el inusual dicho: puede que sea correcto en la práctica, pero no vale en la teoría" (I y II) on-line here.
"León Rozitchner, o la vida psíquica del poder (de la rebelión)." Review: Revista de Libros 3 (2015): 36-38.
"Detrás de Ayotzinapa." Luchas y movimientos sociales en México, special issue of Memoria: Revista de crítica militante 256 (2015): 14-17.
"El materialismo de Marx según Bolívar Echeverría." Papel Máquina: Revista de Cultura 9 (2015): 179-186.
“Neither Proletarian nor Vanguard: On a Certain Underground Current of Anarchist Socialism in Mexico.” No Masters, No Gods, No Peripheries. Ed. Raymond Craib and Barry Maxwell. Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2015. 336-347.
“Enjoy Your Truth: Lacan as Vanishing Mediator between Žižek and Badiou.” Repeating Žižek, ed. Agon Hamza. Durham: Duke University Press, 2015. 127-145.
“Literature and Redemption: Teaching No One Writes to the Colonel.” Teaching the Latin American Boom. Ed. Lucille Kerr and Alejandro Herrero-Olaizola. New York: MLA Publications, 2015. 107-118.
“Badiou en América Latina.” Alain Badiou, El cine como acontecimiento. Ed. Carlos Gómez Camarena. Mexico City: Paradiso Editores, 2014. 9-18.
“Three Paradoxes of Communist Art.” Everything for You, Kiev. Brussels: The Brussels Art Institute, 2014. 49-66. Spanish translation as "Tres paradojas del arte comunista," available on-line here.
“The Efficacy of Theory, or, What Are Theorists For in Times of Riots and Distress?” Communist Currents. Ed. Bruno Bosteels and Jodi Dean. Special issue of South Atlantic Quarterly 113:4 (2014): 659-670.
"In Praise of Discrepancy? Art and Ideology Revisited." The Retreat. Special issue of Public: Art/Culture/Ideas 50 (2014): 94-103.
“Towards a Theory of the Integral State.” Historical Materialism 22.2 (2014): 43-61.
"La actualidad de la teoría." Trans. Christina Soto van der Plas. Actualidad de la filosofía: Instituciones, prácticas y resistencias. VI Coloquio Nacional de Filosofía, II Coloquio Internacional. Ed. Guillermo Ricca, Juan Pablo Cedriani, Pablo Olmedo and Joaquín Vázquez. Río Cuarto, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, 2014. 13-21.
“Estado, comuna, comunidad.” Bolivia Research Review/Revista Boliviana de Investigación 11.1 (2014): 50-70. Reprinted in El Desconcierto (Chile) (September 4, 2014).
“Global Aesthetics and Its Discontents.” Beyond the Visible, the Audible and the Sayable: Rethinking Aesthetic Modernity in Latin America. Ed. Silvia L. López. Special issue of Parallax 20.4 (2014): 384-395.
“The Fate of the Generic: Marx with Badiou.” (Mis)readings of Marx in Contemporary Continental Philosophy. Ed. Jessica Whyte and Jernej Habjan. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 211-226.
“Imagen y acontecimiento: Apuntes para una crítica de la ideología del arte en la era del capitalismo salvaje.” Imágenes y realismos en América Latina. Ed. Miguel Caballero Vázquez, Luz Rodríguez Carranza, and Christina Soto van der Plas. Leiden: Almenara, 2014. 45-62.
“Nietzsche, Badiou, and Grand Politics: An Antiphilosophical Reading.” Nietzsche and Political Thought. Ed. Keith Ansell-Pearson. Cambridge: Bloomsbury, 2014. 219-39.
“Cine y subjetividad: Reflexiones a partir de Memorias del subdesarrollo.” Efectos de imagen: ¿Qué fue y qué es el cine militante. Ed. Elixabete Ansa Goicoechea and Óscar Ariel Cabezas. Santiago de Chile: LOM, 2014. 83-107.
“¿Puede pensarse hoy la actualidad del comunismo? Reflexiones en torno al pensamiento teórico de Álvaro García Linera.” Revista Boliviana de Investigación/Bolivian Research Review 10.1 (August 2013): 293-323.
“On the Christian Question.” The Idea of Communism, Volume 2: The New York Conference. Ed. Slavoj Žižek. New York: Verso, 2013. 37-55. Spanish translation in La idea del comunismo: The New York Conference. Ed. Slavoj Žižek. Madrid: Akal, 2014. 49-71. German translation in Die Idee des Kommunismus. Band III. Ed. Alain Badiou and Slavoj Žižek. Hamburg: Laika, 2014.
“Introducing Alain Badiou’s The Autonomy of the Aesthetic Process.” Radical Philosophy 178 (March/April 2013).
“The Mexican Commune.” Communism in the 21st Century. Vol. III. The Future of Communism: Social Movements, Economic Crisis, and the Re-imagination of Communism. Ed. Shannon K. Brincat. Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2013. 161-189.
“Por una poética débil.” Poetics of Hispanism. Ed. Cathy L. Jrade and Christina Karageorgou-Bastea. Vervuert: Iberoamericana, 2012. 35-63.
“Postface: ‘Pour le maoïste que je suis.’” Alain Badiou, Les années rouges. Paris: Les Prairies Ordinaires, 2012. 301-349.
“Žižek and Christianity, or, the Critique of Religion After Marx and Freud.” Žižek Now: Current Perspectives in Žižek Studies. Ed. Jamil Khader and Molly Anne Rothenberg. London: Polity Press, 2012. 61-83.
“Alain Badiou y la política del acontecimiento.” Política y acontecimiento. Ed. Miguel Vatter and Miguel Ruiz Stull. Santiago de Chile: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2011. 337-366.
“Reviewing Rancière, or, the Persistence of Discrepancies.” Radical Philosophy 170 (2011): 25-31.
“Critique of Planned Obsolescence: Marx and Freud in Latin America.” Revista Hispánica Moderna 64.1 (2011): 23-37.
“Pour une nouvelle théorie du sujet: Continuités et discontinuités.” Autour de Logiques des mondes d’Alain Badiou. Ed. David Rabouin, Oliver Feltham and Lissa Lincoln. Paris: Edition des Archives Contemporaines, 2011. 61-90.
“Logics of Change: From Potentiality to Inexistence.” Potentialities: Politics between the Possible and the Impossible. Ed. Mark Potocnik, Frank Ruda and Jan Voelker. Zürich and Berlin: Diaphanes, 2011. Spanish version as “Lógicas del cambio: de la potencialidad a lo inexistente.” Trans. Carlos Gómez Camarena. Badiou fuera de sus límites. Ed. Carlos Gómez Camarena and Angelina Uzín Olleros. Buenos Aires: Imago Mundi, 2010. 5-40. French version as “Badiou et le marxisme: du potentiel à l’impossible.” Autour d’Alain Badiou. Paris: Germina, 2011.
“Hegel in America.” Hegel & the Infinite. Religion, Politics, and Dialectic. Ed. Slavoj Zizek, Clayton Crockett, and Creston Davis. New York: Columbia University Press, 2011. 67-90. Expanded version published in the on-line journal Nessie: Digital Review of Contemporary Philosophy/Revue numérique de philosophie contemporaine 1 (2009). Spanish translation of the expanded version as “Hegel en América.” Tabula rasa 11 (2009): 195-234.
“Gjendrivelsen av filosofien” (Norwegian version of the essay “The Refutation of Philosophy” as yet unpublished in English). Trans. Henning Hagerup. Agora: Journal for Metafysisk Spekulasjon 4 (2010): 48-60.
“Politics, Infrapolitics and the Impolitical. Notes on the Thought of Roberto Esposito and Alberto Moreiras.” CR: The New Centennial Review 10.2 (2010): 205-238.
“Hegel.” Alain Badiou: Key Concepts. Ed. A. J. Bartlett and Justin Clemens. Durham, UK: Acumen, 2010. 137-145.
“Archipolitics, Metapolitics, Parapolitics.” Jacques Rancière: Key Concepts. Ed. Jean-Philippe Deranty. Durham, UK: Acumen, 2010. 80-92. Translated into Croatian as "Arhepolitika, parapolitika, metapolitika." KNJIŽEVNA REPUBLIKA, časopis za književnost 04-06 (2015): 205-214.
“Metapolitics” and “Event.” Encyclopedia of Political Theory. Ed. Mark Bevir. New York: Routledge, 2010. Vol. 1. 465-466. Vol. 2. 878-880.
“The Leftist Hypothesis: Communism in the Age of Terror.” The Idea of Communism. Ed. Costas Douzinas and Slavoj Zizek. London-New York: Verso, 2010. 33-66. Greek version, “Η υπόθεση του αριστερισμού: Κομμουνισμός στην εποχή του τρόμου,” available in pirate translation on-line. French translation as “L’hypothèse gauchiste: Le communisme à l’âge de la terreur.” Trans. Christine Vivier. L’idée du communisme. Ed. Alain Badiou and Slavoj Zizek. Paris: Lignes, 2010. Spanish translation as “La hipótesis izquierdista: El comunismo en la era del terror.” Trans. Alcira Bixio. Sobre la idea del comunismo. Ed. Analía Hounie. Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2010. 51-75. Italian translation in L’idea di comunismo. Rome: Derive Approdi, 2011. Swedish translation in Kommunismens Idé. Trans. Oskar Söderlind et al. Tankekraft Förlag, 2011.
“Thinking the Event: Alain Badiou.” The History of Continental Philosophy. Ed. Alan D. Schrift. Vol. 8: Emerging Trends in Continental Philosophy. Ed. Todd May. London: Acumen, 2010.
“Beggars Banquet: For a Critique of the Political Economy of the Sign in Borges.” Variaciones Borges 29 (2010): 3-52.
“Du communisme enfin en question.” ContreTemps: Revue de critique communiste 4 (2009):
“Marx y Martí: Lógicas del desencuentro.” Nómadas 31 (2009): 63-73. Reprinted in Dossier. Marxismos latinoamericanos. Ed. Marcelo Starcenbaum. Special issue of Historia Política 105 (2018). Available here.
“La révolution de la honte.” ContreTemps: Revue de critique communiste 2 (2009): 63-72. Translated into Spanish as “México 1968: La revolución de la vergüenza.” Trans. Camila Soto Illanes. Cuadernos del pensamiento latinoamericano 20 (2013).
“The Jargon of Finitude. Or, Materialism Today.” Radical Philosophy 155 (2009): 41-47. Translated into Slovenian as “Žargon končnosti ali materializem danes.” Problemi 2-3 (2009). 73-87.
“Untiming Decadence in Latin America.” PMLA 124.1 (2009): 277-280.
“Afterword: Being, Thinking, Acting, or, On the Uses and Disadvantages of Ontology for Politics.” A Leftist Ontology: Beyond Relativism and Identity Politics. Ed. Carsten Strathausen. Foreword William E. Connolly. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009. 235-251.
“For a New Poetics of the Site.” Traversing Geographies: New Poetics of Space. Special issue of Working Papers 2.2 (2009).
“Rancière’s Leftism, or, Politics and Its Discontents.” Jacques Rancière: History, Politics, Aesthetics. Ed. Gabriel Rockhill and Philip Watts. Durham: Duke University Press, 2009. 158-175.
“Radical Antiphilosophy.” Radical Philosophy? Ed. Peter Klepec. Special issue of Filozofski Vestnik 29.2 (2008): 155-187.
“Are There Any Saints Left? León Rozitchner as a Reader of Saint Augustine.” Cities of Men, Cities of God: Augustine and Late Secularism. Ed. Leo Russ. Special issue of Polygraph: An International Journal of Culture & Politics 19-20 (2008): 7-22.
“The Melancholy Left: Specters of 1968 in Mexico and Beyond.” (1968) Episodes of Culture in Contest. Ed. Cathy Crane and Nicholas Muellner. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. 74-90.
“Mexico 1968: The Revolution of Shame.” Radical Philosophy 149 (2008): 5-11. Spanish translation as "México 1968: La revolución de la vergüenza." Trans. Camila Soto Illanes. Cuadernos del Pensamiento Latinoamericano 20 (2018): 128-142.
“Art, Politics, History: Notes on Badiou and Rancière.” Theses on Contemporary Art. Special inaugural issue of Inaesthetik 0 (2008): 57-71. German translation, in the same issue, as “Kunst, Politik, Geschichte: Bemerkungen zu Badiou und Rancière.” Turkish translation, as “Sanat, Politika,Tarih: Badiou ve Rancière Üzerine Notlar.” Trans. Nursu Örge. Özgür Denizli (January 8, 2020). Available here.
“Force of Nonlaw: Alain Badiou’s Theory of Justice.” Law and Event. Special issue of Cardozo Law Review 29.5 (2008): 1905-1926.
“Breve teoría del sujeto en Borges.” In memoriam Jorge Luis Borges. Ed. Rafael Olea Franco. Mexico City: Colegio de México, 2008. 265-291.
“Manual de conjuradores: Borges o la colectividad imposible.” Jorge Luis Borges: políticas de la literatura. Ed. Juan Pablo Dabove. Pittsburgh: Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, 2008. 251-270.
“Between Freud and a Naked Woman: Notes on Sabina Berman’s Dora.” Psychoanalysis North and South. Ed. Federico Finchelstein. Special issue of E.I.A.L.: Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América latina y el Caribe 18.1 (2007): 41-61.
“Marxismo y melodrama: Reflexiones sobre Los errores de José Revueltas.” El terreno de los días: Homenaje a José Revueltas. Ed. Francisco Ramírez and Martín Oyata. México: Porrúa, 2007. 121-146. French translation as “Marxisme et mélodrame: Réflexions sur Los errores de José Revueltas.” Trans. Robert March. ContreTemps: Revue de critique communiste 5 (2010): 97-117.
“The Ethical Superstition.” The Ethics of Latin American Literary Criticism: Reading Otherwise. Ed. Erin Graff Zivin. New York: Palgrave, 2007. 10-23.
“The Truth Is In the Making: Borges and Pragmatism.” The Romanic Review 98.2-3 (2007): 135-151.
“La leçon de Rancière: On a raison de se mésentendre ou malaise dans la politique.” La philosophie déplacée: Autour de Jacques Rancière. Ed. Laurence Cornu and Patrice Vermeren. Lyon: Editions Horlieux, 2006. 49-70.
“Borges as Antiphilosopher.” Borges escritor del siglo XXI. Ed. Silvia N. Barei and Christina Karageourgou-Bastea. Special issue of Vanderbilt e-Journal of Luso-Hispanic Studies 3 (2006): 23-31. Slightly modified version printed in Thinking with Borges. Ed. William Egginton and David E. Johnson. Aurora, Colorado: The Davies Group, 2009. 37-47.
“Generiek communisme: Over metapolitiek en onverschillige gelijkheid.” Het uur van de waarheid: Alain Badiou revolutionair denker. Ed. Richard de Brabander. Kampen: Ten Have, 2006. 83-100.
“Siting the Event: Gego, Modernity, and the Cartographic Turn.” Gego 1957-1988: Thinking the Line. Ed. Nadja Rottner and Peter Weibel. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, 2006. 21-36.
“Alain Badiou’s Theory of the Subject: The Recommencement of Dialectical Materialism.” Lacan: His Silent Partners. Ed. Slavoj Žižek. London: Verso, 2006. 115-168. Spanish translation “La teoría del sujeto de Alain Badiou: El reinicio del materialismo dialéctico.” Lacan: Los interlocutores mudos. Ed. Slavoj Žižek. Madrid: Akal, 2010. 153-225.
“For Lack of Politics: Theses on the Political Philosophy of Radical Democracy.” Theory@Buffalo 10 (2005): 54-80.
“Una arqueología del porvenir: Acto, memoria, dialéctica.” La Palabra y el Hombre: Revista de la Universidad Veracruzana 134 (2005): 161-171.
“Literatura, economía, política (fragmentos).” La crítica: revistas literarias, académicas y culturales. Special issue of Revista de Crítica Cultural 31 (2005): 18-23.
“The Speculative Left.” Thinking Politically. Ed. Alberto Moreiras. Special issue of The South Atlantic Quarterly 104:4 (2005): 751-767. Published in Spanish as “Más allá del izquierdismo especulativo.” Acontecimiento: Revista para pensar la política 29-30 (2005). Also available in revised version as “El comunismo invariante o la acumulación de la crítica.” Crítica de la acumulación. Ed. Elixabete Ansa-Goicoechea, Oscar Ariel Cabezas and Alessandro Fornazzari. Santiago de Chile: Ediciones Escaparate, 2010. 95-115. Available on-line here. Turkish translation as “Spekulativ Sol,” available on-line on blog Komünizmin Güncelliği (May 17, 2017).
“Nonplaces: An Anecdoted Topography of Contemporary French Theory.” New Coordinates: Spatial Mappings, National Trajectories. Ed. Bob Davidson and Joan Ramon Resina. Special issue of diacritics: A Review of Contemporary Criticism 33.3-4 (2003 [actual publication date 2005]): 117-139.
“Post-Maoism: Badiou and Politics.” Alain Badiou and Cultural Revolution. Special issue of positions: east asia culture critique 13.3 (2005): 576-634.
“Kritiek van de zuivere linkse rede.” Politieke concepten herdenken/Het politieke herdacht. Ed. Tammy Lynn Castelein and Bram Ieven. Special issue of Ethiek en Maatschappij 8.1 (2005): 84-97.
“Theses on Antagonism, Hybridity, and the Subaltern in Latin America.” Latin American Subaltern Studies Revisited. Ed. Gustavo Verdesio. Special issue of Dispositio/n: American Journal of Cultural Histories and Theories 25: 52 (2005): 147-158.
“Badiou without Žižek.” The Philosophy of Alain Badiou. Ed. Matthew Wilkens. Special issue of Polygraph: An International Journal of Culture & Politics 17 (2005): 223-246.
“Economía literaria y economía general.” Encuentro de la literatura argentina con el discurso crítico. XII Congreso Nacional de Literatura Argentina. Ed. Marcela Arpes and Nora Ricaud. Río Gallegos: Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral, 2005). 11-27.
“The Obscure Subject: Sovereignty and Geopolitics in Carl Schmitt’s The Nomos of the Earth.” World Orders: Confronting Carl Schmitt’s The Nomos of the Earth. Ed. William Rasch. South Atlantic Quarterly 104:2 (2005): 295-305.
“On the Subject of the Dialectic.” Think Again: Alain Badiou and the Future of Philosophy. Ed. Peter Hallward (London: Continuum, 2004). 150-164. Croatian translation as "O subjektu dijalektike." KNJIŽEVNA REPUBLIKA, časopis za književnost 10-12 (2015): 123-138.
“Een kwestie van communisme: Filosofie en politiek bij Alain Badiou.” Dossier “Alain Badiou.” Yang 1 (2004): 33-40.
“Hegel in Mexico: Memory and Alienation in the Posthumous Writings by José Revueltas.” Memory and Nation in Contemporary Mexico. Ed. Ryan F. Long and José Villalobos. Special issue of South Central Review: The Journal of the South Central Modern Language Association 21.3 (2004): 46-69.
“Logics of Antagonism: In the Margins of Alain Badiou’s ‘The Flux and the Party.’” Immanence, Transcendence, and Utopia. Ed. Marta Hernández Salván and Juan Carlos Rodríguez. Special issue of Polygraph: An International Journal of Culture & Politics 15/16 (2004): 93-107.
“Mexico City Through the Lens of Violence and Utopia.” Cityscapes. Latin America and Beyond. Special issue of ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America 2 (2003): 69-70.
“Del complot al potlatch: Política, economía, cultura.” Neoliberalismo, fabulaciones y complot. Special issue of Revista de Crítica Cultural 26 (2003): 39-45.
“Guillermo Kuitca: El arte de la teoría.” Four in One: Richard Deacon, Guillermo Kuitca, Bruce Nauman, Thomas Struth (3 abril-17 mayo 2003). Madrid: Distrito Cuatro Galería de Arte, 2003. 20-31. (English translation “Guillermo Kuitca: The Art of Theory,” 57-62).
“In the Shadow of Mao: Ricardo Piglia’s ‘Homenaje a Roberto Arlt.’” Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 12.2 (2003): 229-259.
“El fin de la eternidad: En torno al pragmatismo de Jorge Luis Borges.” In Federico García Lorca et Cetera. Ed. Nicole Delbecque, Nadie Lie, and Brigitte Adriaensen (Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2003). 435-444.
“Vérité et forçage: Badiou avec Heidegger et Lacan.” Alain Badiou: Penser le multiple. Ed. Charles Ramond (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2002). 259-293.
“La comunidad indebida: Lenguaje y utopía en El gran derrapador de Jorge Santiago Perednik.” In Jorge Santiago Perednik, El gran derrapador (Buenos Aires: La Bohemia, 2002). 79-93.
“Alain Badiou’s Theory of the Subject: Part I. The Recommencement of Dialectical Materialism?” What Is Materialism? Special issue of PLI: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy 12 (2001) : 200-229.
“Alain Badiou’s Theory of the Subject: The Recommencement of Dialectical Materialism? Part II.” In Foucault: Madness/Sexuality/Biopolitics. Special issue of PLI: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy 13 (2002): 173-208.
“Más allá de Ariel y Calibán: Notas para una crítica de la razón cultural.” Delmira Agustini y el modernismo: Nuevas propuestas de género. Ed. Tina Escaja (Rosario: Beatriz Viterbo, 2000). 78-106.
“Por una falta de política: Tesis sobre la filosofía de la democracia radical.” Acontecimiento: Revista para pensar la política 17 (1999): 63-89. Reprinted under the title “Democracia radical: Tesis sobre la filosofía del radicalismo democrático.” Los nuevos adjetivos de la democracia. Special issue of Metapolítica 18 (2001): 96-115. Pirate copy reproduced on the Web.
“Travesías del fantasma: Pequeña metapolítica del 68 en México.” Metapolítica: Revista Trimestral de Teoría y Ciencia de la Política 12 (1999): 733-768.
“From Text to Territory: Félix Guattari's Cartographies of the Unconscious.” In Deleuze and Guattari: New Mappings in Politics, Philosophy, and Culture. Eds. Kevin Jon Heller and Eleanor Kaufman (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1998). 145-174. Reprinted in Deleuze and Guattari: Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers. Ed. Gary Genosko (New York: Routledge, 2001). 881-910.
“La ideología borgeana.” Acontecimiento: Revista para pensar la política 14 (1997): 51-92. Reprinted, in an abridged version, in Territorios intelectuales: Pensamiento y Cultura en América Latina. Ed. Javier Lasarte Valcarcel (Caracas: La Nave Va, 2001). 359-382.
“‘Así habló Próspero’: La eficacia de la ideología en el modernismo hispanoamericano.” Culturas en rotación: Modernidad y Posmodernidad en América Latina. Special issue of Torre de Papel 8:3 (1997): 43-108.
“A Misreading of Maps: The Politics of Cartography in Marxism and Poststructuralism.” Signs of Change: Premodern, Modern, Postmodern. Ed. Stephen Barker (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1996). 109-138.
(With Loris Mirella and Peter Schilling) “The Politics of Totality in Magic Realism.”Challenging Boundaries: Global Flows, Territorial Identities. Eds. Michael Shapiro and Hayward R. Alker (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996). 111-133.
“Borges hacia una lectura espacial.” LA CHISPA '95: Selected Proceedings. Ed. Claire J. Paolini (New Orleans: Tulane University, 1995). 49-58.
“From Text to Diagram: Towards a Semiotics of Cultural Cartography.” Semiotics '94. Ed. C. W. Spinks (New York: Peter Lang, 1995). 347-359.
“Monstrosity and the Postmodern: Michel Foucault's Approach to Jorge Luis Borges.” Literature and Society: Centers and Margins. Ed. José García, Betina Kaplan, Carlos Lechner, et al. (New York: Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Columbia University, 1994). 9-20.
“Nadie nos vio desembarcar en la unánime noche: Análisis textual y transtextual de ‘Las ruinas circulares.’” In Inés Malinow, Saúl Yurkievich, et al., Homenaje a Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986). Jornada del 21 de marzo de 1987. Leuven: Aleph, 1989. 65-99.